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Who was Zelina Vega dating before Malakai Black?

Zelina Vega has been the talk of the town since she challenged Rhea Ripley for the SmackDown Women's Championship. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to end the Eradicator's reign. Although Vega lost in Puerto Rico, she has been flooded with support from fans as well as her husband.

While Vega is now happily married, it was no secret that she dated another wrestler, Austin Aries. In June 2017, Vega signed a contract with WWE and worked as a manager during her time at NXT, where she met Aries. The two were together since 2012, and Aries even gave Vega a promise ring back in 2016.

Though it is common for wrestlers to be in different promotions from their significant other and still stay together, this was not the case for the two.

In a tweet made by Aries, he congratulated his ex-girlfriend when she made her SmackDown debut in 2018, ultimately updating the WWE Universe that their relationship has ended. It is still unknown why the two split up, and although Aries's tweet sounded quite civil, the former Tag Team Women's Champion blasted back at him.

She replied to a tweet from a fan that suggested their relationship had evolved into marriage, and Vega's reply suggested some animosity between the two.

"I am going to say this once: We are NOT together and have not been together for a very long time. We were certainly NEVER married or engaged. I’ve moved on a long time ago and do not wish to be associated with him." [H/T WrestlingNews]

Zelina Vega and Austin Aries have had no further developments in their relationship since 2018.

Who is Zelina Vega's husband?

Zelina Vega regularly posts photos on social media of her relationship with her husband, AEW star Malakai Black (fka Aleister Black). The two worked together from 2017 to 2020 when they were both signed to WWE, though Black made his exit due to the budget cuts stemming from the pandemic on June 2, 2021.

The couple have been married since 2018, which was a shock to some as it was rumored that Vega had a romantic relationship with Andrade El Idolo. She recently spoke on the subject when she appeared on the Out of Character podcast. Vega shared that no one knows the true story except for themselves.

Speculated rumors bother her, but she also mentioned that the couple has found ways to block out the negative information.

It is unknown whether the couple will be able to reunite on the same brand once more. Malakai Black is currently the leader of the House of Black stable in AEW, while Zelina Vega is part of LWO and is making waves in WWE.

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