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What we've learnt about S6 of Once Upon A Time at SDCC

San Diego Comic Con is a big event with lots of casts of TV shows and movies showing up. It’s also a great time to find out different and new information about all your favourite tv shows and movies. Here’s what we found out about season 6 of Once Upon A Time.

The Evil Queen

While talking to TVLine, Lana said that the Evil Queen is going to be different now as unlike before she no longer has a conscious. This means that she’s pure evil and pure darkness. While talking to Entertainment Weekly, Lana also spoke about how the Evil Queen is putting everyone’s happy ending in jeopardy. When talking to Entertainment Tonight she revealed that although they’re only on the second episode shooting wise, she has filmed an episode with The Evil Queen confronting Regina. This means that will be likely to happen very early on in the season. In the process of talking to Whedonopolis, Lana also revealed that the Evil Queen is still hung up over Snow White and getting her heart as she still wants her revenge.

While talking to Whedonopolis, Adam/Eddy teased that we will find out why the Evil Queen didn’t die when Regina crushed her heart.


While talking to Entertainment Tonight Lana talked about Regina without Robin and revealed that she believes she is struggling without him. In the same sense, she also believes that Regina is more private so her mourning will take place behind closed doors so it isn’t very public. In the process of the Once Upon A Time panel, Lana revealed that just because she’s split herself in two and got rid of the Evil Queen it doesn’t mean Regina is completely 100% pure, she’s still sassy and sarcastic.

When in an interview with Whedonopolis, Lana told us that she believes Regina is still trying to be a hero and that she’ll still turn to Snow for advice. Lana goes on to add that Regina is a fighter and that she won’t let the Evil Queen win, she’s going to fight for her redemption and happiness.

Captain Swan (Emma and Hook)

While talking to TVLine, Jennifer discussed how it’s different for Emma and Hook now that they’ve established that it’s true love. She then goes on to say that there’s new excitement and love there.

Regina and Zelena

While talking to TVLine, Rebecca Mader discussed how their sister relationship has taken an interesting twist and turn, and that it’s complicated.


Talking to TVLine, Emilie de Ravin said that it’s looking very interesting for Belle and the developments with her and Rumpelle and her pregnancy. She then talks about that their relationship is now becoming an honest one as seen near the end of Season 5. According to Emilie while talking to Entertainment Weekly with the sleeping curse you will also find out a lot about Belle’s past, present, future and her family.

While talking to Entertainment Tonight, Emilie De Ravin revealed that Belle will be extracted from the box. She also said that they’ll be things revealed about the decisions surrounding the things she does. She also said that it’s a lot different doing things with a child involved so that’s obviously changing her path a little.

When being interviewed by Whedonopolis, Emilie de Ravin teased that the way that Belle is extracted from the box/how it happens and the people involved in it is really cool. She also said it reveals a lot about her relationships and about her past/future. She also spoke about how after Belle wakes up she explores independence.

The Charming’s

While talking to TVLine, Josh Dallas talked about how Charming is going to turn inward on himself and that he’s going to have some things to deal with in his life. He also hinted that Charming is going to deal with some things that he thought were truths in his life that he’s going to find out weren’t so true.

Where the season starts

While talking to Enertainment Weekly the cast revealed that the season will start exactly where it left off. Belle’s in a box, Hyde’s trying to take over the town, the Evil Queen is separated from Regina and everything else that was going on when the season ended.

Duality in characters

While talking to Entertainment Weekly, Rebecca spoke about how she thinks that this season will be about everyone thinking about themselves and what they’ve been through. Jennifer then goes on to talk about how everyone is dealing with their baggage. For example, Emma is figuring out what it means to be the saviour and what it would mean to be without helping people.


While at the panel, Adam teased that they will delve into more of Hook’s past and they’ll be a rising of some secrets that hidden. While talking to Whedonopolis, Colin O’Donoghue also hinted that the secrets will put some relationships to test. Apparently they’re also going to make him reflect more on who he used to be and who he is now.


While talking to Entertainment Tonight, Jennifer talked about how the things that Emma has been dealing with have built up and she’s never faced them. She is then realising that while they do have things to face, she also has a lot of things to face internally too. Jennifer then adds that she’s definitely not at her strongest at this point.


While talking on the Once Upon A Time panel, Jared said that he believes that Henry now thinks he is a hero, and that he thinks his way of being able to help others is by giving them their story. He also thinks that Henry has now found his place and sees himself as part of the heroes. While talking to Whedonopolis, Jared talked about how Henry is going to do his best to protect his family and he’s not going to just stand on the sidelines. Lana said that she believes that Henry is the type of character to try and see the good in everyone and that he will probably see the redeeming qualities in the Evil Queen too.


As you may be aware, in Season 5 Zeus bought Hook back and changed his fate. However, sadly according to Adam and Eddy that will be a one time only occurrence.


In the sneak peak you get of Aladdin you find out that he too is a saviour and that Emma isn’t the only one. While talking to Whedonopolis, Adam/Eddy add to this saying that they hope people realise while watching this that Emma wasn’t the first saviour. They also revealed that like last year we learned about the Dark One mythology and that this year we’re going to learn about the saviour mythology.

Themes for the season

While talking to Whedonopolis, Adam/Eddy revealed that the biggest theme for the season is can you really separate the good from the bad? Another theme is what is happiness, and what is a happy ending?

By the time of Comic Con the cast had only read up to episode 3 so they didn’t know much about the season themselves as a whole, but this is everything that the cast and Adam/Eddy hinted and teased during Comic Con. Are you excited for Season 6 of Once Upon A Time? Let us know by tweeting us @CelebMix.
