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What did Hank throw in the river?

The correct answer is as follows: Hank throws Tuco’s grill into the river because Tuco was not the main man behind the Blue Meth. Tuco was small potatoes and killing Tuco does not warrant a Trophy so Hank tossed it out. In other words Hank’s “Panic Attacks” is Blind Rage bubbling up and exploding on him.Click to see full answer. Beside this, why did Hank put a tracker on Walt’s car?The only obvious reason that Hank would have behind such a move would be to monitor Walt’s movements from which he can ascertain the location of Walt’s meth lab and when and where he meets his associates so that he can be apprehended while committing the crime (i.e. cooking or dealing).Also, how did Hank know where Jesse’s car was? Hank was able to locate Jesses car though the Lo-Jack GPS anti-theft system built into the hydraulics system he had installed in the car. Tuco strong armed Jessie at gun point and made Jessie drive his own car to snatch up Walt. Beside this, does Hank Schrader have PTSD? Hank begins showing signs of post-traumatic stress disorder in “Breakage” after killing Tuco Salamanca in “Grilled”, the first deconstruction of his “tough cop” persona.How does Hank catch Walt?In the final scene, Hank figures out that Walt is Heisenberg while perusing Walt’s copy of “Leaves of Grass” on the toilet. The book is inscribed: “To my other favorite W.W. It’s an honor working with you.
