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We Spoke With Little Mix Fans To Find Out Why They Love Them So Much

Girl group Little Mix are one of the most successful girl groups of all time. Selling over 16.5 million records so far, the quartet have distinguished themselves from other pop acts through their flawless harmonies, humble personalities and driven nature.

Time and time again, these women have proved to be a rather successful bunch after accumulating 3 #1 songs in ‘Black Magic’, ‘Wings’, and ‘Cannonball’ as well as three consecutive platinum albums over the past five years. Fortunately, the journey has only just begun.

They still have many personal goals they would like to accomplish; one being performing at Madison Square Garden in New York as well as receiving a Grammy nomination. They’ve discussed wanting to properly crack America, but in all honestly have done pretty well despite minimal promotion. Successfully breaking a Spice Girls record with their debut album DNA caught the curiosity of many prospective music fans in the states. Followed by the critically acclaimed, Salute, and Billboard breaking Get Weird album, the girls are destined to sooner or later, have a #1 album on the Billboard 200 chart.

With that being said, the BRIT nominated girl group have some pretty passionate fans all over the world. A few days ago, we spoke with some Little Mix fans (known as Mixers) from all over the world, as we were intrigued to find out why they loved the hugely successful girl group.

Haley Rutherford – 24 – United States

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Little Mix is a constant source of inspiration to me. Through their 5 years so far as a girl band, they have been a great example of many things, most impressively as hard working women going after what they want. I admire the confidence they have built together and how each girl is not afraid to be themselves and show off their own style and personality. I love how fans can find something they relate to in each girl and how Little Mix handle themselves so gracefully in an industry that can be a crazy place sometimes.

Their passion for their music and live performances also motivates me to work hard in my own life and find new ways to be creative. I am a graphic designer and illustrator and love to create art about Little Mix. I have been a huge fan of them for years and have created several lyric illustrations and drawings, most recently for their Get Weird album and tour (best album ever!!). Seeing the amazing show they present to each audience inspires me to want to work harder and achieve the goals I set for myself.

If I ever had the chance to talk/meet the girls I would tell them thanks for being such kind people, I appreciate their hard work, and I hope they are having the time of their lives. I can’t wait for their 4th album!! It’s going to be EPIC!

Bailey Hodge – 16 – Portsmouth

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Even through this paragraph I CANNOT explain enough how much I cherish, adore and love these girls! They mean the ABSOLUTE world to me. They have helped me through the tough times and have always kept me going especially since when ‘Wings’ was released. I love them as a band and as individuals: Leigh-Anne – I just love how she’s always playing pranks on others and just loves to ‘Get Weird’. Jesy – She’s inspired me by how she’s put up with bullying and still she’s kept on going and going and look where she is now… WHAT A QUEEN! Perrie – This girl has been through so much but still is this precious little gem and her high notes are so rare to find, this girl is ULTIMATELY talented and just so so kind. Jade – I can so relate to her especially since she can be considered ‘shy’ but this adorable one ALWAYS inspires me: she’s cute, funny and is one of THE best dancers in the world! This girl does not realise how beautiful and adorable she is! BUT… Little Mix, thank you for EVERYTHING! This is only a small percentage of what I want to say but ULTIMATELY as friends and as individuals: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING AND THANK YOU FOR SIMPLY BEING YOU AND BEING WEIRD!!! Love Bailey – @BaileyHodge10

Beth – 14 – Peterborough

Little Mix are the best girl group in the world. They have changed many mixers lives including mine. They have done this because when I was in a bad place a few years ago I turned to music to let myself go and their music was the most inspiring and made me forget all of my worries. Also when I was in primary school and a bit in secondary school, I got bullied, because I have a stammer and I heard their song ‘Little Me’. This song made me feel like I can do anything, not letting the haters bring me down, and now I’m going into year 10, not caring what anyone else thinks. The girls work so hard to produce inspiring songs that go a long way in mixers hearts. I love you girls!

Sabrina – 25 – Italy

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Hi there! I’m Sabrina I’m 25 and I’m Italian. I know some of you will think that I’m “too old” to stan an artist and to have a fanpage on Twitter but honestly, I don’t care. I work, my life is most of the time really stressful, and Little Mix’s music is the only thing that makes me feel free. I’m so happy that they are a part of my life, I’m so happy to stan them and they are such good role models for us. They are fierce, so proud of themselves and their friendship is amazing. I went to London two years ago and I saw them at the O2 Arena. It was AMAZING!

But it was more amazing when I saw them in Milan, in MY country, with MY people. We sang as loud as we could, we sang our hearts out just to let them see how proud we are of them! Their voices, harmonies, dance moves everything on point! They put so much effort for making the best gig ever and they need more attention! They are so good not only as artists but also inside – amazing women! They taught me to believe in myself, to never give up and to have fun and to be weird as much as I want! People will always have to talk so let them talk! Thank to the girls I met a lot of amazing people on Twitter and at their gigs and if I ever meet Little Mix I will thank them for this because I can’t imagine my life without these people! There was a time in my life where everything was black but Little Mix helped me rise my head up and change my life from black to colorful! I will never be able to thank them enough.

Aziz – 15 – Tunisia

To my girls,

I’m writing you this letter with all my heart. Thank you so much girls for changing my life, you mean everything to me. You saved me with your songs and vocals. I really love you queens. Words cannot explain how much you changed me. You are a part of my family and friends – really love you girls. And now let’s take a moment and talk about your bodies, personalities and voices – girls you’re killing it, so proud of you! I love how you always help others and care about your fans. You guys deserve alot more attention especially in America because you are actually really talented and one of the best performers out there. I’m glad that people are noticing the hard work you put into your music and performances. I’m so lucky to stan four beautiful and incredibly talented girls. You don’t know how much it’s hard for me to meet you or see you live when you live in Tunisia. It’s an amazing place and you can have fun because it’s so beautiful (Pez, ask your brother about it. I’m sure he will say that it’s a very nice place for holidays cause he visited before. I tried to meet him just to tell that I love you girls but sadly I cannot.)

I want to tell you an important thing that happened to me. I just went to a radio here and I talked about you with my girl called Malek. It was one of the best experiences! I had fun with all the team and we also danced to ‘Hair’ and we wished Leigh-Anne a happy birthday because we went there a day before her birthday and Jade liked my pic of me during the interview on Instagram. I cried but at least you noticed me, thank you! Girls you’re invited to spend a lovely holiday here! We have a really pretty beach! You can relax and enjoy your break! People love and appreciate you here so please visit us as soon as possible! We really need you here! Thank you so much for everything, everything you’ve done for me. I love the message behind ‘Weird People’ and ‘Grown’ – just being yourself, don’t care about haters and their bitchy comments, it means alot to me! Well, Get Weird slayed but I’m waiting for LM4 to slay my ass! Really excited for it, anyways girls hope you like my letter please tweet me if you read it love you so much! I gave you a letter last year and I will never lose hope til you read it! Love you so much girls see you next time! All the love to Perrie, Jade, Jesy and Leigh x from your boy @azizloveslm

Shan – 17 – Canada

The reason why I love Little Mix so much is because all their personalities are awesome and they’re so inspirational. All of their voices have such a unique tone to them and they all just flow together so effortlessly. Their friendship is honestly goals, they have such an unbreakable bond. Their music is so catchy, and it’s also very inspirational, from “Wings” to “Secret Love Song Pt 2”. I also love that they deliver with every live performance they’ve been asked to do, always switching up the choreography or adding a mashup of different songs. I love them so much, it’s so hard to put into words.

Vered (Rose) – 27 – Israel

Why I love Little Mix: wow there’s so many reasons yet I don’t know where to begin.
I feel like they’re more than just a girlband who sings. They’re four young ladies who give hope, they inspire, they’re helping young girls and women of all ages to fight for what’s important, their happiness and to acknowledge the struggle women go through – they fight for equality between men and women. I remember before I heard a Little Mix song, before I knew who they were, I was a very shy and quiet person. I never stood up for myself and I always accepted criticism from my “friends” and sometimes from my family. The day I heard ‘Wings’ was the day EVERYTHING changed. I started to Google them finding more songs, interviews, funny videos and most importantly the messages and the statements they’re carrying with them everywhere. Believe in yourself, love yourself – everyone is different, everyone feels this way you’re not alone. Do what makes you happy.

I can proudly say that I’ve been a mixer for 4 years and I’ve finally found who I am can and do whatever makes me happy and I owe it all to the girls. Thank you girls for helping me find myself  and my voice. I didn’t know I had it. Thanks for helping me gaining confidence and to be happy and to be who I am and care less what others have to say about me. Xx

Yness – 15 – France

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LITTLE MIX, the BIGGEST GIRLBAND EVER. Wow, they are amazing, lovely, emotional, and every positive adjective that exists! In their songs they explain a lot of things that mixers want to hear. On one hand you have some songs which are about fighting for yourself and not letting go without winning. And on the other hand, some songs are about love, being happy, and staying true to who you are and not listening to mean critics. They post a lot of messages in their songs that help me, and I think, help a lot of people in general. They are so genuine for being here for us, for singing, for dancing, for improvising, for being alive and so much more.
The message that I heard the most in the 3 albums is STAY POSITIVE, BE HAPPY, WE ARE HERE!

Isa – 14 – Australia

Hi, I’m Isa! I’m fourteen years old and from Australia (the Netherlands originally).
What a journey! I joined the Little Mix fandom in 2015 and it was one of the best decisions I have EVER made. These girls have probably taught me more over the past year than I have over the 13 before. Oh, how one year can change your life completely. I am so so so thankful for these four girls, teaching me to not give a crap about what anyone else thinks, to be myself and to just be WeiRd!¡ Because you never know how long something is going to last so just make the most of it! I have been so inspired by Jade, Leigh-Anne, Perrie and Jesy that I cannot help but get teary as I write this…they have been such strong and amazing role models. I could not have chosen better! I can not be any prouder of them and myself for coming this far. They have truly earned where they are today: with no doubt THE best girl group of this era.
I love love love you all so very much and cannot wait for what the future brings!

Prim – 16 – Thailand

I got to know Little Mix a few years ago and I immediately got hooked. I bought all 3 of their albums and love them all so equally. The girls of Little Mix have an undeniable bond, they are not just bandmates, but they are true friends. There is not one weak link in the group, everyone is a vital asset and it is very clear to everyone that they are genuine. They are not only incredible singers but they are beautiful fashion icons and inspiring role models Their songs are so meaningful and have inspired many people around the world. I love all of their performances as they put all their energy into it, whether it’s a huge performance or a quieter acoustic one, we can see they’re great performers. My biggest dream would be to see them live and meet them in person. I hope that they come to Thailand on their next tour because I am not sure if they know that they have so many Mixers here in Thailand that are waiting for them. I would just like to say that I am proud to be a Mixer and I am very happy to see their progress throughout the years, from the X Factor to being one of the world’s biggest girl groups!

Mohamed – 17 – South Africa

Hello! My name is Mohamed Riyaadh! I’m 17 & I live in Johannesburg South Africa. I L.O.V.E Little Mix (Queens) because I got into their music at a time when girl groups weren’t a big thing and that they brought so much confidence & motivation with their music. I just fell in love!

Emilie – 16 – Belgium

Hi, my name is Emilie. I’m 16 years old and I am from Antwerp, Belgium. I love Little Mix, because they’re 4 normal, down to earth people with a lot of talent! You can really relate to them. All 4 have amazing personalities and individual styles! All the songs from Little Mix are super good and inspiring. If you have a bad day, all you have to do is put on a song like ‘Grown’ and you feel 100% better! I personally think that Jade, Perrie, Jesy & Leigh-Anne are the best rolemodels in the world and I am happy to call myself a mixer and a part of the greatest fandom in the world! We mixers are one family, the mixers-family!

Grace – 16 – England

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At first I just started following Little Mix because of their voices and then when I started listening to all their songs I realised the deep meanings inside them, for example ‘Change Your Life’! It has such an uplifting message and songs like this have really helped me get through the last couple of months when times have been difficult! As well as their amazing voices, their personalities are so bubbly and they always appear happy which never fails to brighten my mood! I love them all so much! Every time I see them live they never fail to impress me and I leave their concerts feeling happy and energised :) I can never thank them enough for what they’ve done too me! I will be forever grateful and I will always associate Little Mix with my teen years when I’m older! They’ve helped me to be happy even when I might not feel like it! They are my idols :)

Heidi – 13 – United States

I’m Heidi, I’m 13 and I am from America. Little Mix inspired me and saved me because I was always an uptight and serious person, and now I’ve let loose a lot, and the girls made me think, I need to have fun while it lasts. Jesy taught me that it’s my insecurities that make me beautiful, Jade taught me to always keep a smile on my face and be as happy as you can be. Perrie taught me to laugh and have some real fun, and Leigh-Anne taught me that I should look after people when they need it the most. When I’m down I listen to them, their music is very inspiring, and meaningful. Jesy is my favorite because she is confident with her self. Yes she isn’t the exact same size as the others, and she’s a little thicker, but thick girls are awesome! She is thick and that’s what makes her, her. She is very kind, amazing, funny af, cute, and overall amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better girl group than Little Mix. They have changed me in the best way possible and I can’t thank them enough for what they’ve done for me. They mean so much to me and I thank them for that.

Jane – 24 – Philippines

Hi I’m Jane, I’m 24 and from the Philippines. Actually I’m just new to the Fandom; like just months ago when I discovered Little Mix! Their songs lately been a hit in our country and I started to realized how good they are. I searched them online and watched their X-factor journey. I truly love their judges performance of ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’ especially on Jesy’s part which makes me wanna cry. I wanted to hug her when she felt bad that she thought she ruined their performance but the truth is she made the audience feel the song more because of her emotions. I adore Jesy cause she never lets negativities pull her down. Despite people constantly bashing her healthy body, she hasn’t changed herself to be what society wants her to be. She’s embraced herself. She inspires me to accept my flaws and go on with the things that make me happy.

Little Mix are one of the few pure talents left in the music industry. This group showcase talent and not so much sexuality/explicit things which is very rampant in the music industries nowadays. Their songs are full of stories, inspiration and empowerment blended with amazing voices of these 4 lovely ladies. Their music gives me hope and inspiration to go further. I truly salute Perrie, Jesy, Leigh Anne and Jade. More power, girls!

Hanizah – 14 – Singapore

I love Little Mix because of how beautiful their voices are, how good they harmonise when they sing; singing live, making covers, doing acoustic. You name it. They are perfectionists. I love Little Mix because they motivate me to do better, to keep working and soon I’ll get what I dream to have and that’s what will change my life. I love Little Mix and I will never stop loving them.

Sadie – 13 – Nottingham

I love Little Mix because they showed me what it’s like to follow your dreams and not give up,They kept believing and so did I.They’re also so talented and jaw dropping gorgeous. When I’ve seen them live a couple of times they always put on the best show they can for their fans even if they’re feeling down and they always impress. I love Little Mix because their original! There is no other girl group like Little Mix and there never will be.When I met Little Mix earlier this month they were the most sweetest and kindest girls ever: they called me gorgeous and told me not to give up on my dreams and I said I’ll never give up because you four taught me that. Another reason is the V Festival: It was their first time performing there and they pretty much set it on fire! I’ve never seen a performance like it in my life. From the outfits to the dancing to the vocals and the surprise guest, they just put on the best show they could with all of their effort and practise to make their fans happy and to bring more fans in.This is why I love Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson and Jade Thirlwall. The girls that will do anything to put on a good show and that are always laughing together.

Chloe Jones – 15 – Britain

I love Little Mix because they inspire everyone to stay strong, they remind us that we are beautiful in our own skin, they give us confidence, they don’t care about what critics have to say, they are gorgeous inside and out, they are genuine, they’re the most talented people to ever walk this earth, they are bloody hilarious, they know how to make mixers feel better, they remind us constantly that they love us, they always give the best advice, they listen to us, they are so honest with us, they’re just amazing. Them four girls mean the world to me and without them me and most others wouldn’t be here. They inspire us through their music to keep going and to not give up!

Andrea – 15 – France

I love LM because they make me laugh when I feel bad, they have their own personalities and mind. They are the most talented girls I’ve ever seen. They care about the world and want the best for everyone. They have changed my life in many ways. Thanks to them I finally wear what I want no matter what people say! I’ve learnt that nobody’s perfect and everyone has insecurities! I’ve got to embrace the fact that there’s only one me in the world. All that changed my life and changed the way I see it. I want now to live my life fully: I never would have said this one or two years ago.

Larissa – 16 – Netherlands

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Little Mix gave me the opportunity to meet my two best friends, Lizzie and Ilka! We talk everyday, send presents for birthdays and talk about our future together. Even though we don’t live in the same country, I live in the Netherlands, Lizzie in Turkey and Ilka in Germany, I already met Ilka last August it was so exciting and we had so much fun!

I would love to thank the girls one day for that and for many more things like making me feel comfortable with myself and showing the real me to other people. When Perrie got pink hair I was like “oh my god I want that!’ But I never thought I would do it, but now 2 years later I’ve always had every colour in my hair, from pink to rainbow and from rainbow to dark purple! And those are a few of the reasons why I love Little Mix.

Grace – 14 – Australia

When I first heard one of their songs, at first I scrambled onto the Internet to find out who these girls where. It took me less then twenty minutes to figure out who they where, their names, and where they came from. When I first found out about them at the time, I was going through one of the hardest points in my life. They helped me over come some fears of mine and helped me find the real me. Through their music, they have inspired me to become a better musician/creative person. When I hear their songs, a great smile comes across my face and I start belting out the lyrics.

They are truly one of the greatest girl bands in history.

And I know whenever I am down, I can always count on them and their music to love the good and live through the bad. Thank you Little Mix. I truly hope I get to meet you some day.

Emily – 16 – Ireland

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I love Little Mix because they are strong independent woman and role models for any young girl who wishes to follow in their footsteps. I have been a fan since X-Factor and having such kindhearted, loving girls to look up to has been great. They have such a strong presence in the world of music and they are so down to earth you just wish you could personally get to know them and be friends with them because they seem like the nicest girls ever. I love to sing too so seeing them doing so well is so inspiring and makes me not want to give up. Seeing them in Dublin in March was absolutely incredible. They are amazing singers with an incredible stage presence. We waited for hours and it was worth the rain and freezing cold wind.

Nicole – 17 – Switzerland

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Hi, I’m Nicole and I’m 17. Wow, where do I start. I became a fan 5 years ago when they won the X-Factor and since then, I’ve been listening to their music non-stop, following them! I went to their GWT concert (which was the best night of my life, might I add). What I love the most about them is they remain down-to-earth. They genuinely care about their fans and they constantly acknowledge how we, as fans, mean everything to them. Their music is made to inspire, empower and comfort us, which I find incredible. I love them to bits. They are my biggest inspiration. I’m a designer and my dream is to continue designing. I’ve recently made a LM phone case on my page (@pxpcases) which I really hope they see as I worked very hard on it. I will continue to support them for years to come. Love you Little Mix!

Rachel Webb – 18 – London

I love Little Mix because they are very good role models. They sing songs that motivate people to be the best that they can be and their video for ‘Hair’ really helps to send the message that as long as you have a few good friends then everything will be alright. Last year I sang their song ‘Good Enough’ for school and I managed to pass the course I did it for and I like to think that they played a part in it because they created such an amazing song.

I also love them because a number of their songs – especially ‘Little Me’ – have helped me to become a more confident person. They have all taught me different life lessons. Jesy taught me to be proud of myself and who I am. Leigh-Anne taught me how to bring the sass. Jade taught me that it’s alright to get weird. And Perrie taught me to never stand for anybody’s BS. But the four of them taught me that nothing is better than friendship. I saw them for the first time in April and I loved it. They were fantastic and I am proud to say that I sang along to every word. I love their songs and I love listening to them when I’m feeling down. Once, I accidentally started singing ‘Little Me’ in Science and people actually heard me. So they got me to sing it a little louder for everybody to hear and to my delight, they loved it. Thanks to Little Mix I had the confidence to do that. I couldn’t be more grateful.

Lucy Meynell – 18 – Knaresborough

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I love Little Mix as before they were on the X-Factor I had very low confidence in myself and I was a very shy person but they taught me not to listen to any people who say you can’t do something or say that you’re rubbish.

I love Little Mix as for the most recent tour they did with the Get Weird album, I entered a competition and I was lucky enough to be chosen as a winner where I got two free tickets to the show of my choice! I chose the Leeds show on the 26th of March and I got to attend their sound check where I was the only fan to watch them and I got to interview them! They even sang to me and it made my day. I owe so much to the girls as they have made me grow as a person.

Kiara Jones – 16 – U.K

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Hi my name is Kiara Jones and I’m 16! I love Little Mix so much as they are incredibly talented and so inspirational. I am a musical theatre student and for a long time I had no confidence and was quite a self conscious person but when Get Weird came out in 2015 and this album somehow helped me gain confidence which then helped me pursue my love for musical theatre. I was brave enough to audition for a theatre school and I will be starting in September. It may seem extreme to say but I really don’t think I would of had the confidence to do it without Little Mix. I also find myself helping my friends who are also self conscious and that feels great! The girls are truly amazing and I’m sure there are many mixers like me who have been helped by their music.

In the words of Jesy “music is the strongest form of magic”.

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