With four children of her own, Soleil Moon Frye is no stranger to being a mom, which is why she put her experiences with parenting into print. In 2011, she wrote Happy Chaos, a journey "from Punky to parenting," in which she "shares insightful, realistic, in-the-trenches parenting advice, inspiration, and fun."
When she was asked by Pop Sugar about why she wrote her debut book, she explained, "The majority of the parenting books that I read before I became a parent were so much about 'this kind of parent, this is how to do this, this is how to do that.' There was nothing that told me about what was going to happen in the hospital ... So I was like how do we not share this with the sisterhood?"
Frye then followed Happy Chaos with 2013's Let's Get This Party Started, which "is a guide to more than 15 parties you can throw for your kids that are inexpensive, wildly inventive, and fun." That year, she talked to WebMD about her second book, saying, "We realized that so often when you get ideas from blogs or magazines, the end result doesn't look anything like the picture." That's why she "wanted to create fun crafts at home that are both doable and accessible." Frye also explained, "The book was a family affair. My brother is the photographer, and my kids are on the pages, as are my friends. It was a labor of love."