It was 10 years ago on this day that two fanatics, Kafeel Ahmed and Bilal Abdulla, rammed the terminal doors at Glasgow Airport in a 4x4 packed with gas cylinders, planning to cause carnage.
Instead, they were foiled by two police officers and six members of the public who happened to be passing.
Civilians Stephen Clarkson, Michael Kerr, Henry Lambie, Michael McDonald, John Smeaton and Alex McIlveen teamed up with Sergeant Torquil Campbell and PC Stewart Ferguson to foil the extremists.
Ahmed later died from burns sustained in the attack while Abdulla was jailed for a minimum of 32 years.
In 2010 all eight were were presented with the Queen’s Commendation for Bravery at a ceremony in Edinburgh by Nicola Sturgeon, then the Deputy First Minister.
Today, we look back at their heroic actions.
Alex McIlveen
A taxi driver who famously kicked a flaming terrorist in the balls at Glasgow airport has revealed the injury to his foot has never healed and reminds him of the attack every day.
Alex McIlveen, 55, helped avert a potential disaster ten years ago when he sacrificed his own safety to tackle Islamist extremists.

He was one of a group of Scots who cult heroes around the world for taking on the terrorists as they attacked the transport hub on one of its busiest days of the year.
At the time the Record revealed how Alex delivered a kick to the privates of one of the men - who had set himself on fire - so hard he tore a tendon in his foot.
And ten years on from the dramatic incident Alex has told how he still carries an injury from that day - but he is still glad he stepped in.

He said: “You never forget something like that. I remember everything from when I dropped the hire off and then the jeep ran into the barriers and all hell broke loose.
“These were big guys, and they were still full of morphine. Whatever we hit them with they didn’t feel it.
“Even from the boy on fire. You hit him but all he wanted to do was fight.
“When he was trying to get into the boot of the car he still wanted to fight, and he was in flames.
“I think that shows you just how crazy these people are.”
He added: “I tore a tendon in my foot kicking the guy between the legs.
“I went to hospital afterwards, but I can remember it was taking so long to get seen that in the end I just went home.
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“I still have a few problems with that foot, there is an injury there that I carry to this day.
“But undoubtedly, I’m glad I stepped in to help. In the heat of the moment nobody knew what these guys were planning on doing, or what weapons they could have been carrying - they needed to be stopped.”
Alex, Michael Kerr, Stephen Clarkson and baggage handler John Smeaton all received honours for bravery from the Queen for their role in tackling the bombers in June 2007.
Retired police sergeant Torquil Campbell, PC Stewart Ferguson, Michael McDonald and Harry Lambie, were also given gongs.

Terrorists Bilal Abdullah and Kafeel Ahmed drove a Jeep packed with gas canisters into the airport terminal, hours after their bomb attack in central London had failed.
Looking back on the incident Alex, from Drumchapel, Glasgow, revealed he is still recognised in the community for his actions.
He said: “People mention it all the time, especially in your own area. Even to this day 10 years on people still recognise me.
“It can be a pain, you would have thought people would forget all about it and just let it lie. I try to just ignore it to a certain extent.
“With all these terror attacks happening down in London, people always try to bring it back and say ‘oh why were you not down there’, or ‘that wouldn’t have happened up here’, but you can’t stop these kind of people, they are sick in the head.
“They are terrorists, there is no way you will be able to stop them.”
Asked whether he would step in again, Alex revealed the older, wiser him may think twice.
He said: “I just don’t know. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again, we don’t want that. I’d probably run, I was daft then.
“But you have to remember, if those two guys hadn’t been stopped, we didn’t know what was in the boot of that car. It was full of gas canisters.
“Part of the reason it didn’t work, was it a phone that wasn’t connected or something.
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“If they got into the boot of the car it could have been a lot worse.
“It was the busiest days of the whole year, there were thousands of people, and if they had set that place off it would have been a disaster.
“So everyone who did something that day, they know fine well they did something right.”
The Record’s front page exclusive revealing Alex’s heroic action still crops up on social media around the world every day.
He added: “I think we are all surprised that it is still on social media and Facebook, and all that stuff.
“Lucky enough nobody was killed, and maybe it is time to just let go, let it be. Hopefully it will never happen again, and that’s it.”
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Michael Kerr
Michael Kerr was the first of several heroes from the general public who grappled with the terrorists intent on bringing carnage to Glasgow Airport.
The heating engineer had just returned from holiday with his wife Annette, children and parents and, having collected his car from the long-stay car park, was already in an area of relative safety.
He was also celebrating his 40th birthday.
However, as he watched one of the terrorists Bilal Abdulla emerged from the burning Jeep Cherokee and attack police officer Sergeant Torquil Campbell, he moved towards the danger rather than away from it.

Michael said: “I ran across to him in the back of the Jeep and there were punches exchanged.
“I knew something was wrong so I went for him.
“It happenned in a flash.
“I got my tooth knocked out, my crown knocked out and my leg was broken.
‘I don’t know if it was me kicking the man or the man kicking me.
“It was a clash.
“I flew at the guy a few times but he wouldn’t go down. Then he punched me so hard he knocked my teeth out and sent my flying so hard I broke my leg.
“I landed next to the burning Jeep and thought it was going to explode. That was when John Smeaton dragged me to safety. He’s a hero.”
MIchael, who gave evidence at the trial of Bilal Abdulla in London, spent four days in hospital after the attack and was the most seriously injured of the heroes.
Stephen Clarkson
Modest Stephen Clarkson helped save hundreds of lives when he battered burning bomber Kafeel Ahmed to the ground with a forearm smash.
Groundsman Stephen, from Penilee, Glasgow, has since received awards from Gordon Brown, Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond for his bravery that day.
Stephen, then 42, had gone to the airport on June 30 to pick up his brother, sister-in-law and niece, who were returning from a fortnight in Benidorm.

But as he was heading for the arrivals hall, everyone else was running out.
Terrorists had just crashed their Jeep Cherokee loaded with gas canisters into the main entrance of Terminal One.
Police then grabbed and handcuffed Ahmed after Stephen had put him down.
While others basked in the limelight after the attack, down-to-earth Stephen went back to work next day.
He didn’t talk publicly until ten weeks after the attack, because he was still grieving for partner Gillian Campbell, who died of cancer.
But in an exclusive interview he told the Daily Record: “I’m no hero. I only did what thousands of Scots would have done when hundreds of lives were at risk.
“I hope other would-be terrorists get the message that Scotland will not stand for terrorism.”
In 2009, Stephen told the Daily Record how he managed to turn that day into a lucky break years later.
He said: “I was flicking through the racing pages and I noticed a horse called Secret Hero.
“I was thinking to myself that I recognised the name, and then I remembered that it was the name given to me in the Daily Record.
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“I kept an eye on the horse’s form. Then on Saturday, I decided to put some money on it.
“I put on £125 at 3-1 and got back £500, so I was obviously pretty delighted.
“I suppose it must have been a bit of a lucky omen, given the name. It’ll be interesting to see how it gets on in future races.”
Speaking about the attack itself, Stephen said he knew as soon as he saw the attacker heading towards him he just had to intervene.
He said: “I took two steps towards him and he never flinched so I just ran at him and basically mowed him down.
“I knew I had to do it. My gut instinct was that he was a terrorist and had to be stopped.”
The man he tackled, Ahmed, later died from his burns.
In 2008 Stephen made an amazing recovery from a life threatening brain haemorrhage.
John Smeaton
Baggage Handler John Smeaton shot to global fame after fearlessly tackling one of the terrorists on his cigarette break.
‘Smeato’, as he is affectionately known to the public, gained international notoriety by landing a karate kick on one of the extremists after he emerged from the burning jeep.
His famous warning to other terrorists - “This is Glasgow - we’ll set aboot ye” - was broadcast around the world, leading to prime time TV interviews in the UK and US.
On the streets of Scotland, John was constantly recognised by fans clamouring to thank him for his heroic efforts and buy him a pint.

His bravery even saw him honoured by the Queen.
Ten years on, the 41-year-old has shunned the limelight to settle in New York, where he relishes going unrecognised in his day-to-day life.
John was living with his dad Iain, 76, and mum Catherine, 78, in Erskine, Renfrewshire, when the bombers attacked his workplace.
Watching the attack unfold as he smoked a cigarette yards away, John confronted Kafeel Ahmed who was fighting with a police officer, and kicked him.
He said: “What’s the score? I’ve got to get this sorted.
“I thought, ‘That’s no right, ‘ and ran over to assist. All that was going through my mind was I’ve got to help the policeman, I’m not letting these guys get away with this.
“I got a kick in. Me and other folk were just trying to get the boot in and some other guy banjoed him.
“If any more extremists are still wanting to rise up and start trouble, know this: We’ll rise right back up against you. New York, Madrid, London, Paisley … we’re all in this together and make no mistake, none of us will hold back from putting the boot in.”
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After uttering those famous words in his TV news interview outside the terminal, John embarked on what he describes as the “craziest ride of my life”.
He was invited on talk shows like Good Morning America and given a CNN Heroes Award.
In the UK he was invited on Richard and Judy and Jonathan Ross to talk about the moment that made him a household name.
In 2008 he was awarded the Queen’s Gallantry Medal by Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace and had several meetings with then Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
His award came as fellow hero Alex McIlveen had branded Smeaton a “fake” who had exaggerated his part in foiling the attackers, but airport sources later claimed they had CCTV footage which proved Smeaton had done exactly what he said he had. The footage was never released.
The same year Smeaton suffered an asthma attack and spent a fortnight in a coma, collapsing on the same day Ahmed and Mohammad Asha went on trial over the Glasgow airport terror attack.
He was treated at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, the same hospital where Kafeel Ahmed was treated and later died.
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Prime Minister Gordon Brown even called the Smeaton family to offer his support after he was taken ill.
He’s even been invited to dinner by comedy legend Billy Connolly. But the Rangers fan maintains his proudest moment over the last decade was leading his beloved team out at Ibrox.
He stood as an independent in the 2009 by-election for Glasgow North East, but only managed to get 258 votes.
John married American wife Christy in 2009 following a whirlwind romance, but it emerged they had separated in 2015.
Despite his marriage breakdown, John remained in Manhattan, where he now works as a carpenter.
He said this week: “I don’t miss fame at all. I am quite happy to be out of the limelight.
“I had a great time while it lasted, but now I am quite happy to disappear into the sunset again.”
Henry Lambie
Airport worker and retired fire fighter Henry Lambie did not hesitate to spray a fire extinguisher in the face of Glasgow suicide bomber Bilal Abdulla.
Henry, who worked in customer services, ran towards the terrorist as soon as his Jeep Cherokee crashed into the front of Glasgow Airport.
When Abdulla then ordered Henry to stop trying to put out the blaze in the 4x4, the former fireman did not flinch.
Instead he turned the extinguisher on the fanatic in a bid to subdue him and protect the two police officers who were trying to arrest him.

Harry continued spraying the doctor with water to try to keep him under control.
It was not until after seven that evening that Harry returned home - four hours after the attack.
But rather than being left in a state of shock by the ordeal, he had a quick shower to get rid of the smell of smoke.
He then went out with wife Jessie and pals for a meal at an Italian restaurant.
He said: “People have asked me if I think I’m a hero, but I don’t think so.
“Heroes are people like soldiers who go to war, knowing what they are getting in to.”
Michael McDonald
Former airport check-in worker Michael McDonald helped police tackle terrorist Kafeel Ahmed after he caught fire.
Michael, then 27, was half-way through his shift when the terminal was struck during the busy holiday weekend.
Michael, from Govan in Glasgow, also helped police restrain one of the attackers by holding him down while he was being handcuffed.
He said the incident had left him with a fear of flying.

Michael added: “I was working on the check-in for Serviceair when we heard this bang then smoke started pouring into the terminal building.
“Everyone just thought it was an accident.
“I grabbed my bag then started ushering people out of the door, which was part of all my health and safety training.
“When I got outside everyone was running away from the burning Jeep.
“I walked across the road outside the terminal to get a better idea of what was happening.
“I then saw this guy shouting and trying to hit anyone coming near him.
“As soon as I saw him wrestling with the copper I knew this was more than an accident.
“So I ran up and kicked the guy as hard as I could in the hip.”
Michael was taken to the airport medical centre for treatment, where he also gave a statement to the police. After three hours he was finally allowed to drive home.
Stewart Ferguson
It has become the iconic image of the Glasgow Airport terror attack around the world.
An off-duty policeman risks his own life to hose down a suicide bomber, only yards from a burning Jeep packed with explosives.
PC Stewart Ferguson, then 41, was at the airport picking up relatives when he saw the Jeep suddenly crash into the terminal.
The Jeep’s driver, Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdulla, got out and started attacking colleague Sgt Torquil Campbell.

Then Kafeel Ahmed got out and set himself on fire while shouting “Allahu Akbar”.
PC Ferguson grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed the human fireball.
The photo was on the front of the Sunday Mail the next day and was later used around the world.
The hero cop said of that day: ”I knew he was one of the bad guys, but it never entered my mind to walk away because that would have been failing in my duty.
“One of the primary duties of a police officer is to preserve life and it doesn’t matter whose life that is.

“But I don’t see myself as a hero.”
The father of two had gone to the airport to pick up his parents who were due back from a holiday in Jersey.
After the attack he always kept a copy of the Sunday Mail front page in his wallet to explained to people who he was.
Torquil Campbell
Sergeant Torquil Campbell was among the first to tangle with Kafeel Ahmed, who had emerged from the burning Jeep engulfed in flames.
Torquil watched in horror as the burning man ran towards him, then pulled out his CS gas canister and sprayed it in Ahmed’s face.
Before the attack had begun, the policeman had been chatting with a colleague, Stewart Ferguson, who was off duty at the time.
The father-of-two said one of the attackers aggressively ran towards him and was “lashing out with his fists”.

He added: “I knew his intention was to keep me back from the vehicle. He ran back to the vehicle and tried to open the back hatch of the Jeep.
“I think he managed to put his hand in but my attention was drawn to the front of the vehicle and the second male appeared out of the flames, on fire. At that point I saw Constable Ferguson coming out with a fire extinguisher in his hand and trying to douse the fire on this male.
“The second male then turned round and saw me and again started to lash out with his hands and feet.
“I thought, ‘What is in the vehicle?’, because at that time I could hear popping and banging coming from the vehicle. By that time I was already sending out an emergency signal on my radio.

“I pulled out my CS spray and sprayed, which lasted about a half second. Because of the wind direction it blew back in my face as well and put me out of commission for a minute or two.”
“It was hard to comprehend but I just had to accept the fact that terrorism had arrived at Glasgow airport,” he added.
Sgt Campbell then stayed at the airport until the early hours to undertake more routine duties such as organising car parking and office space for investigators.
His act of bravery happened only a few months before he was due to retire.
A few weeks later the 49-year-old had corrosive liquid sprayed in his face while tackling thieves who targeted singer Darius Danesh’s grandfather at his home in Renfrew.

After the attempted break-in, Darius said: “The policeman acted above and beyond the call of duty and the whole family is very grateful. We’re all relieved but very sorry that the officer was injured.”
The officer was one of 11 people to be jointly given Sunday Mail Great Scot awards ion 2007 for helping to foil the Glasgow Airport suicide bomb attacks.
In 2009 he and PC Ferguson also received a Very High Commendation from then Chief Constable Sir Stephen House for tackling the two bombers.
After he retired Sgt Campbell returned to Glasgow Airport as a safety officer.
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