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Station 19 Recap 04/06/23: Season 6 Episode 13 Its All Gonna Break

Station 19 Recap 04/06/23: Season 6 Episode 13 "It's All Gonna Break"

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, March 30, 2023, season 6 episode 13 called, “It’s All Gonna Break,” and we have your Station 19 recap below. On tonight’s Station 19 Season 6 Episode 11 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “The crew finds themselves in the middle of a family dispute and a renovation that’s gone off the rails.

Ben crashes as Bailey and Carina go undercover at a crisis pregnancy center. Travis preps with Eli for a mayoral town hall.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 6 episode 13 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Carina stayed over at their place. She shared a bed with her wife. They didn’t do anything because that’s not why Carina went over there and so Maya just comforted Carina. Carina had a tough day. She needed to feel safe and she still sees Maya as her safe place.

It was a good sign for their marriage that she came over. It meant there was hope for them. Maya was feeling better about the way things stood between them. They weren’t getting back together just yet, but Maya also knew she needed to still work on herself and that’s what she’s doing by continuing therapy. She was even making a lot of strides.

Maya had gotten passed over the captain job again. She didn’t let that get to her. She knew why she didn’t get it. She burnt a lot of bridges when she attempted to blackmail Fire Chief Ross.

It may have happened a few months ago, but Ross no longer sees her as being ready for a leadership position. Ross had to name a replacement for Captain Beckett and she never once considered Maya for the job. She tried to hand the job to Andy. Only Andy turned it down. Andy felt Sullivan should get the job

Sullivan was now in recovery. He’s made strides to prove that he was ready for another chance at leadership. He also should never have gotten demoted all the way back to a probie because of his problems with addiction. Something that Ross agreed with.

Ross promoted Sullivan back up to lieutenant when she took over. She just wasn’t going to make his captain again. She stopped herself from doing that. She and Sullivan were secretly dating and she didn’t want to look like biased if it ever got out.

Ross was protecting herself. Sullivan saw it as her putting herself before the relationship. Sullivan also felt deeply insulted that Theo was named the new captain over him because he felt he had seniority over Theo. Theo was a captain once before. Like him.

The difference was that Theo actually turned down the job to demote himself because he hadn’t felt ready for a leadership position. Theo did that because someone died on his watch. He felt guilty because that firefighter was a friend and so he lost himself after he lost his two best friends.

Theo was better now. He believed he could do the job because he figured he could at least be better at it than Beckett was. But Theo still had the same worries. He was afraid of losing another person. His leadership was now him double-checking and triple-checking with everyone because he was being led by his fear.

He also tried to protect them by going as far as deterring them from doing their actual jobs. They were firefighters. They knew how to stabilize a building when they see one becoming unstable and that’s what they did with the Neely house.

Station 19 got called to a house. There wasn’t a fire. There was just demolition. Not proper demolition with permits or professionals. It was the Neely brothers. They inherited the house from their mother after she died. One wanted to hire a contractor to renovate.

The other believed he could DIY the house himself. The brothers were also fighting over everything and so the DIY guy decided to take matters in his own hands. He started to demolish walls. He didn’t have the know how to determine which were low bearing walls. He was simply tearing things down at point to get back at his brother.

A neighbor called 911 because she claimed she saw smoke. She hadn’t. She simply was trying to stop the construction because she felt it was a noise hazard and probably because the cops weren’t taking her calls anymore. Anyway, it became SFD’s problem. Vic and Jack went into the house.

They tried to talk the brother with the sledgehammer out of taking down more walls because they could already see cracks forming. They were concerned. They tried to talk the brother down and he might have listened to them if his brother hadn’t arrived on the scene.

The brothers got into a fight. They were shouting, taking down walls, and it got so bad that they started trading blows. Vic and Jack had managed to separate them when suddenly the walls began to fall away. Both brothers got injured. The firefighters saved them and what stopped the rest of the house from falling down on top of them was Sullivan.

Sullivan reminded Theo that they were firefighters. They knew how to keep the building standing long enough for their people to make it out. Theo decided to take Sullivan’s advice and that’s what saved the lives of the four people inside of the house.

Theo now realizes that he has to do more than just not be Beckett. He has to actively work with his team and he can still make sure that everyone is safe. Theo was a captain willing to humble himself. It’s too bad that not everyone got to see it.

Montgomery got leave to stay back at the firehouse because he needed to prep for a mayoral debate. He also had to come up with a way to fight Dixon. Dixon put out an ad against him. He basically accused Montgomery of being a drug and sex addict with a drinking problem. And he also threw in that he wanted to raise taxes.

Montgomery’s campaign manager wanted to hit back. Only he went a different route. He later chose to do his job by keeping everyone safe at the debate when he noticed exposed wire and he asked for tape to cover it up. He said he knew how to handle responsibility as well as making sure was safe. And that turned into an amazing soundbite, so much so that Montgomery celebrated it by making out with Eli afterwards.

Ben had a day off. He chose to go with his wife to investigate a supposed women’s health clinic. The clinic had the same name as Bailey’s clinic and it was claiming to help women only it wasn’t run by actual doctors. It was run by people who went out of their way to convince women to go through their pregnancy because the congressman were paying them to push an agenda. And so this time it was Bailey, Ben, and Carina that were picketing this false clinic.

And after the debate, Dixon decided to get revenge by handing over photos of Ross sleeping with Sullivan to Maya. Maya could get back her job or she can continue to work on herself.

And Vic was angry at Theo because she felt he hogged the credit when they opened an arson investigation.

