published on in corga

Richard Gere, 65, is vacationing with his 32-year-old girlfriend in Italy


I never fail to be surprised by commenters’ interest in May-December romance. Those romances interest me as well, but it’s more of a head-shaking, “No fool like an old fool” sort of way. Since yesterday’s post about Anthony LaPaglia (56) dating a 26-year-old was so popular, let’s discuss this Richard Gere situation. Gere and Carey Lowell split up in 2013 after about a year of rumors that he was fooling around. I always thought Carey and Richard made a pretty good couple, and as far as age differences went, she was just 11 years younger than him. Richard’s first wife, Cindy Crawford, was 17 years younger. So his history indicates that he likes women more than a decade younger, at the very least.

Richard is 65 years old now. And he’s just gone public this week with his new girlfriend, Alejandra Silva, described by most publications as “a Spanish socialite.” They are vacationing together in Italy – you can see the photos here. Alejandra is just 32 years old. That’s 33 years YOUNGER. She’s also blonde with a great figure, which is pretty much “the dream” for many men, right?

So how bad is this? It’s pretty bad, although I will admit to being less worried about age differences when the women are in their 30s. Men dating twenty-something women with 30-year-plus age differences… that really irritates me. I think it’s because so many 20-something women are still figuring out who they are, they’re making bad dating decisions and I could see how some of them naively succumb to the allure of a powerful, wealthy older man. But a woman in her 30s? She’s more likely to know what’s up. So while I think a 65 year old dating a 32 year old is still kind of gross, it’s not as bad as some of the May-December pairings we’ve seen.

I’m pretty sure the blonde in these photos is Alejandra.



Photos courtesy of WENN.
