Justin Timberlake is currently in Cannes to promote The Coen Brothers’ new movie, Inside Llewyn Davis. As Kaiser offhandedly suggested, JT probably thinks that he’s the star of the film, which is an interesting (and likely accurate) proposition because Pajiba’s Cannes review of the film doesn’t mention Justin Timberlake at all. Ouch.
Make no mistake though, Justin really wants to be an actor even though he’s made his multi-millions from music — record sales and (mostly) touring. Yet after JT made the douche move of retiring his most celebrated single, “Sexy Back,” in 2008, I’ve come to believe that he despises being a musician. When he started to try and use his “SNL” success to build a real acting career, I was interested to see if Hollywood would bite. And the bite did come, but it hasn’t stuck, much to Justin’s dismay. The guy really thought that The Social Network was his key to Oscar city. Now he’s somehow scored a role in a freaking Coen Brothers’ movie, and instead of really publicizing the movie, he’s whining about his tortured, unwitting life as a singer. Okay, so I’m exaggerating just a bit, but that’s how I’m seeing it. Let’s see if you agree:
Llewyn Davis is the first movie Timberlake has been in that’s featured him as a singer.
We talked about his career at the intimate gathering following the Llewyn black tie premiere. Timberlake is extremely thoughtful and very articulate on this subject. He said: “You know my music career hangs over me like a cloud.” Interesting. Justin worries that he still isn’t taken seriously as an actor because of the music. He’s really devoted to the acting career. In fact, I’d say in a way that his whole “20/20 Experience” album and tour is an acting exercise. Justin is playing a part- of a Rat Pack like suave singer with a back up band. And that’s just fine since the album is a monster hit and the tour should be, too.
He told me of the whole “Suit and Tie” success: “It’s a tribute” to soul music of the 70s with a Memphis feel. And while he’s mastered the R&B falsetto, it’s nice to hear him sing straightforwardly in “Llewyn Davis.” He, Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver perform a hilarious but seriously meant novelty song called “Please Mr. Kennedy” in the movie that should become a cult classic.
Coming up next for Justin, a movie role that could really break through for him: the late record exec Neil Bogart, whose Casablanca Records produced Donna Summer and KISS. Bogart was a mastermind who lived large in the 70s. Timberlake told me they’re about to choose a director, and he’s doing his research. This will entail a meeting with Gene Simmons–which, I hope, someone will film. That’s a movie in itself.
[From Showbiz 411]
Do you see what I’m seeing? Poor little Justin is acting like he’s that character from the Li’l Abner comic strip — the one who constantly walks around with a cloud over his head. Now the Huffington Post is calling JT’s admission “a particularly introspective moment,” but I disagree. I think that Justin really sees himself as an unfortunate soul who must resort to writing substandard pop songs to finance his true existence of an artist who only wants to act. It’s JT against the world, and the world just won’t let him be great.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN