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Is Brad Pitt too dumb to be on the board of the Museum of Contemporary Art?

Granted, I don’t know much about contemporary art or how museums run, or what a museum’s board of directors really DOES. But I feel like the shade being thrown at Brad Pitt in this article is a little unfair. According to The Enquirer, Brad really wanted a position on the board of the LA Museum of Contemporary Art. Brad made personal appeals to members of the selection committee and he tried to impress upon them his knowledge of art (especially modern and contemporary art, I would imagine). But the Enquirer says all of the MOCA people think Brad is kind of dumb. Ouch. Burn.

Brad Pitt may be as pretty as a picture but he’s been deemed not bright enough to serve on the board of L.A ’s Museum of Contemporary Art! The hunky “World War Z star – a longtime enthusiast of culture and architecture – made an ambitious play for the MOCA position, but sources tell The ENQUIRER he doesn’t stand a chance at landing the gig.

“Brad’s always been a huge supporter of the museum, and it’s undergoing a management shakeup,” said a source. “So he had someone feel out members of the selection committee to see if they’d be interested in him participating at a higher level. While they admire Brad’s ambition, I think the fear is that Brad might be a little on the dumb side to serve on an art board. He doesn’t even have a college degree.”

Dad of-six Pitt, 49, dropped out of the University of Missouri to pursue his acting dream and he’s long dealt with whispers that he lives in the intellectual shadow of his 38-year-old partner Angelina Jolie, a United Nations Good Will Ambassador. While Brad knew getting the museum job was a long shot, another source says he’s still stung by the rejection.

“Brad has a huge art collection that’s worth well over $25 million,” said a second source. “He’s been collecting pieces for years and studying up on the old masters. But just because he can buy art does not mean he can curate it. Good looks and fame are simply not enough to run a huge museum like the MOCA. Fortunately, I’m sure Brad will get over it.”

[From The Enquirer]

Here’s the thing – I think Brad is kind of dumb too. Well, maybe that’s the wrong word. I don’t think Brad is, like, fall-down stupid. He’s just not as smart as he thinks he is, and I think he has issues with being able to intelligently articulate his real thoughts. That being said, I would be willing to bet that Brad knows a lot about art. I bet he’s more knowledgeable about contemporary and modern art than the average person. Plus, he’s a big “name” for a museum to have on their board, so he would bring so much visibility to the museum, and that would mean lots and lots of $$$. So why so dumb-shaming, MOCA?

Also, I’m sure many of you Brangeloonies saw this earlier in the week, but it’s worth noting: big dummie Brad had the biggest hit of his career with World War Z. WWZ has made more than $500 million worldwide and the studio will definitely make a lot of money off it. Brad’s dumb gamble paid off! Dumb like a fox. (A foxy goat.)

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
