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Fundraiser raises over $5000 for father of three viciously attacked during honeymoon

Larry Gilmore, a newlywed from Pennsylvania, is in critical condition after he was brutally attacked in a hotel in downtown Pittsburgh on Monday, July 24, 2023. Gilmore and his wife Shalawrae were celebrating their honeymoon at the Even Hotel on Forbes Avenue when the unfortunate incident took place.

According to the police, the father of three was attacked from behind while he was waiting for the elevator around 7 pm on Monday.

Trigger Warning: The following article contains references to a violent assault. Reader discretion is advised.

Surveillance footage from the night shows Gilmore being put in a chokehold and stomped upon by the suspect. Law enforcement officers added that his wallet and pants were also taken.

Recounting the incident, Larry's wife Shalawrae told Channel 11:

"I walked over to see what was going on and I found him in a puddle of blood."

Larry Gilmore was rushed to UPMC Mercy Hospital in critical condition with a head injury

Larry Gilmore and Shalawrae got married on Sunday, July 23. The couple is expecting their fourth child as early as December 2023.

According to the police, 26-year-old Heiko Calhoun is suspected of the assault. Elaborating on the incident, they told Channel 11 that Calhoun put Larry in a chokehold and banged his head on the floor. They added that Gilmore lay motionless while Calhoun returned several times to kick and stomp him and steal various items, including his pants.

Larry and Shalawrae at their wedding (Image via YouTube/@WTAE-TV Pittsburgh)

The 26-year-old was arrested shortly after the horrific incident. He told law enforcement officers that the father of three said "something offensive" to him that caused him to turn to aggravated assault. He currently remains in custody at the Allegheny County Jail and is charged with attempted homicide, aggravated assault, robbery, and recklessly endangering another person.

Members of Larry Gilmore's family took to protesting outside the hotel on Tuesday afternoon, calling for better security and demanding that it close its doors while its security measures are evaluated. Shalawrae told KDKA that the incident has taken a "hard toll" on her.

Highlighting the need for better safety of the guests she explained that she saw another guest being attacked on Saturday, adding:

"I want them to shut it down until they can ensure their customers’ safety because there’s no way someone was able to walk in behind him, sneak behind him and attack him."

Larry Gilmore's family has set up a GoFundMe page to help with "medical expenses and aid for resources such as travel and rehabilitation." The fundraiser has collected over $5,900 out of its $10,000 goal.

What did the hotel say?

Following the incident, the hotel released a statement sympathizing with the family:

"We appreciate the swift actions by our hotel staff, the Pittsburgh Police Department, and local EMTs who rendered aid to our guest. We will continue to cooperate with local authorities in their investigation."

They explained that doors to their building are locked from 8 pm to 8 am, and are only accessible by guests and staff.

Larry Gilmore remains in ICU in critical but stable condition. However, he is still intubated.

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