published on in corga

Courtney Love goes on anti-semitic rant


Talking to Courtney Love always guarantees a crazy time. The woman has no concept of reality, propriety, or even the very basics of mental stability. And it seems like she hasn’t really suffered a lot of consequences for the crazy things she says, because everyone just assumes she’s so messed up that she can’t be held accountable. Which is sort of unfair. Love just went off on an anti-Semitic rant to Heeb magazine – which is Jewish. Ironically, so is Courtney, at least in terms of her family lineage.

COURTNEY Love claims she’s not taking drugs anymore, but you wouldn’t know it from comments she made in the Jewish magazine Heeb. Love, whose mother is Jewish but who describes herself as Buddhist, says of ex-husband Kurt Cobain’s legacy: “Every time you buy a Nirvana record, part of that money is not going to Kurt’s child, or to me, it’s going to a handful of Jew loan officers, Jew private banks, it’s going to lawyers who are also bankers . . .”

The former Hole singer also mused on why she’s given up playing in an all-girl band: “Like, there are [bleep]ing riot grrls sitting there banging on pots and pans and talking about their vaginas, and that’s all really lovely, but the music blows.” On why she won’t date actors: “They’re [bleep]. They’re women.” And on being a parent: “I’m more like, ‘You’re not going to do that, so [bleep] off, or I’m taking your computer, and your [bleep]ing, you know, BlackBerry.’ “

[From Page Six]

I can’t imagine many other celebrities being allowed to get away saying and doing the things Courtney Love gets away with. Maybe she’s not taking illegal drugs anymore, but it seems like she’s not taking some very necessary psych drugs either. The woman is seriously off-kilter and needs to do something to keep herself in check.

I’m not surprised to hear that’s how Courtney talks to her daughter Francis Bean. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a mom that’s still acting like a messed-up, rebellious teenager. Part of me feels sorry for Courtney, but a bigger part feels enraged at most of the things she says. She often writes these rambling, completely incoherent blogs on her MySpace page, but generally speaking they’re so crazy it’s hard to even pick out things to be offended by. Here she’s clear enough to know that the woman needs some serious, serious help. And should consider shutting up until she gets some.

Here’s Courtney at the Planet Blue store in Malibu with a friend on January 4th. She doesn’t look quite as bad as usual, I’ll give her that. Images thanks to Splash.
