Evelyn Parker is one of the first major characters to form a connection with V in Cyberpunk 2077. Her role in the title appears to be a huge one. She comes off as a major player who will remain an ally throughout V's adventure in Night City.
Beware of extreme spoilers that are ahead.
However, that is all quickly turned upside down. The short answer to whether Evelyn Parker can be saved is a resounding no. She is a popular character who meets an untimely end in Cyberpunk 2077.
Evelyn Parker and V meet early on in Cyberpunk 2077
V first meets Evelyn Parker in the first act of Cyberpunk 2077. She helps V with a braindance needed to complete a heist. This is the big heist that involves Dexter DeShawn pulling the strings.
After the braindance, Evelyn pulls V aside and offers to cut a deal. The deal involves removing Dex from the equation and splitting it with just Evelyn. Regardless of the choice made, Evelyn won't make another appearance until the Disasterpiece mission.
No matter what, Dex turns on V, and that sets up the remainder of the Cyberpunk 2077 storyline. When Disasterpiece begins, V has to work with Judy Alvarez on finding Evelyn. The mission ends with Evelyn being found and taken back to Judy's apartment.
Evelyn is not the same chipper woman that she was when V first met her in Cyberpunk 2077. At this point, she's alive and simply spends her time in a bed in Judy's apartment. This is where it gets dark.
The trauma Evelyn went through ends up being too much for her. Later on, Judy asks V to rush to her apartment, where Evelyn is found in the bathtub, having killed herself. In terms of saving Evelyn from the Scavengers, V can. Saving her in the long run, however, is not an option.
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